Why is air travel considered one of the safest activities you can engage in?
Because pilots don’t have their own way of operating. Before every flight, even commercial pilots with 20 years of experience, rely heavily on checklists. They perform pre-flight tests of the same items in the exact same sequence every time. It’s their standard work.
Why is air travel considered one of the safest activities you can engage in?
Because pilots don’t have their own way of operating. Before every flight, even commercial pilots with 20 years of experience, rely heavily on checklists. They perform pre-flight tests of the same items in the exact same sequence every time. It’s their standard work.

Daily Management Systems
Daily Management reduces uncertainty and stress by providing information on what’s happening, clarity on what good looks like, and the means for engaging work teams in identifying and solving problems. It brings order to chaos.

How many people in your organization can answer the following with any degree of precision as they begin their workday:
What needs to happen today to be a good day?
How did the team perform yesterday?
Does anyone know or care about the problems the team experienced yesterday?
If leaders in your organization cannot answer the above questions, then there is a good chance that the organization does not have effective Daily Management Systems in place.
In today’s fast-paced work environment, having a structured way to reduce the chaos, solve problems, and remove barriers is key to meeting organizational objectives.
Daily Management System is a set of consistent and defined practices followed by those at all levels of an organization. Through a laser focus on process, Daily Management supports front-line teams, allowing them to effectively perform their work with the goal of achieving performance objectives every day.
How We Can Help
We help organizations establish a robust Daily Management System based on four key elements working well together.
A robust Daily Management System builds confidence between frontline staff and the leadership team, which creates a sense of belonging and a strong connection to how a team’s work affects the end customer. It reduces uncertainty and stress by providing information on what’s happening, clarity on what good looks like, and engaging work teams in identifying and solving problems.
Standard Work
Standard Work describes the current, best-known way to perform work in a concise and visual way. It provides clear expectations for how the work is done and the standards that need to be met in performing the work.

DMS Boards & Daily Huddles
DMS Boards contain the information needed to power the system. Daily Huddles are 10 to 15 minutes stand-up meetings at the beginning of each shift or day to reflect on the previous day’s performance and prepare for the work that day. Team members surface problems that are in the way of meeting performance expectations.
Checking visually to verify that standard work is being performed as designed. During the checking process, managers identify performance gaps that need to be closed through the process and work environment adjustments. Larger problems to be solved are also identified as part of the Daily Management Systems.

Escalation Path
Daily Management Systems provide an escalation path by way of tiered huddles, which enable the people doing the work to get timely help resolving problems that can’t be solved at the team level.
Daily Management System is the foundation for rapid, daily problem-solving, known as daily Kaizen, or continuous improvement.
An effective daily management system:
Visually communicates information needed by team members to accomplish their work for the day.
Surfaces and removes barriers to performance, it makes problems visible and provides a structured way to solve them.
Reduces chaos and firefighting that gets in the way of getting work done. Helps the team focus on what’s important.
Escalates concerns when they can’t be resolved within the work team. Engages leaders in removing everyday barriers.
Engages the team on improving what’s important to complete work and meet KPIs.